Last comment CPI CPL before the birth of this blog.
Commentary on comments Patxi's post Cards mobile lumps with
Well I am not of science or letters, but the opposite: I linguist, so I'll try to delve into the issue that and of that ...
Indeed, it should be "I know that" and, says Shora, the best trick is to put this or that in place to check. If you put a noun, it is clear that the verb (in this case the adjective) governs the preposition of ( governed means cries.) If not put the preposition is a case of queísmo. As DRAE explains:
"misuse of the conjunction that instead of that sequence, eg., * I get the feeling that they have not come." (The asterisk indicates that the sentence is ungrammatical.)
The reverse case is the dequeísmo, more popular and, in my opinion, far more objectionable (once in a conversation between linguists, we ask whether someone could go to bed with someone who says something and the conclusion was unequivocal: No, please! would break all the eroticism! Finally, the professional bias). As explained by the DRAE:
"Employment abuse that when the regime verbal is not supported, p. eg., * I told him to come. "
For Catalan, this issue is quite complicated, because Catalan and Castilian function differently. In Castilian, the preposition must always be governed, but in Catalan preposition those cases "fall", which has to go ... "Be aware that" never "* Be aware that" ... With so when you get used to saying it in Catalan, you start to say bad Castilian, and vice versa. Some had to have this disadvantage of being bilingual
remember when I got the answering Telephone Network, Castilian said: "* tells Telefóncia which has no messages. "I quickly put the Catalan version to see if they had screwed up by saying that , but both did not come ... I think in the end also corrected in Castilian.
I do not want must say that being bilingual also has advantages in this regard ... Catalan-Being almost guarantee that you will not make the mistake of dequeísmo, because this phenomenon has not been given in Catalan and sonarnos usually very poorly (we sound ungrammatical; impossible almost).
Actually, I seem to recall that one specialist noted that the dequeísmo ultracorrección of queísmo emerged. That is, as the scholars kept saying that he had to say that rather than , people began to put that everywhere ... As always, the source of all evil is the RAE
And Patxi said
laísmo, and loísmo leísmo : As noted Agnès, Catalan-be also has an advantage: NEVER incur in the three I burst errors divine ears. I lived in Santander and every time I said something like "You say the truth!" I squeaked teeth and thought of all those words that begin with the prefix tele -: telescope TV, telephone ...And I said
TELEPIZZA! I'm still laughing with your comment telefilológico ... That leísmo did not know: in fact, in principle leísmo is accepted (you can say "I love you" instead of "I love", although women do not work too well), but this case seems to me literally impossible ... : D
In fact, we use the pronouns Castilian Catalan great, but when it comes to our (the famous pronoms Febles) and nobody gives a ... Partly so because of the Academy (of Pompeu Fabra, in particular, and those who are more Catholic than Pope, in general), but we must not forget that there are Catalan-speaking areas in the south where they have a mathematical poetically pronominal system. It turns out that my wife is one of those poets of pronouns ... Why is it that I really liked it?
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