Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Candie For Jello Plant Cell

Sciences letters and proparoxytone

Comment to post Rowing Science or letters?

I loved, the study ... And then call me freak , but I will see some logic ... Let me explain:

The question is not whether they are arts, science or social sciences. The question is not whether or not accents. The important and significant is if proparoxytone ... In Castilian, the words are usually flat. In contrast, the French are always sharp, in Italian, are more prone to the gravest, and Catalan, we have a max-mix between flat and sharp (also because there are more monosyllables). This fact leads to think that when a antepenultimate in Castilian there may be something strange ...

My hypothesis is this: when the name of knowledge is a word antepenultimate, the source of that knowledge is not latino ... If the origin is Latin, the word evolution will have a "normal" and end up being flat in Castilian. If not, and depending on the source, you might end up being antepenultimate ... Math

mathematicus comes from the Latin,-a,-um , i it Mathematik Greek (scholar, mathematician), derived from mathema (knowledge) which, in turn, derives from Manthana (Learning).

Algebra algebra comes from the Latin (ditto), was the Arabic Al-Jabr (reduction). Physical

comes from the Latin Physicus (physical, on the natural sciences) and this Greek physike (on nature), derived from physis (nature), it's i Phyo ( birth). Chemistry

comes from the Latin chimie (ditto), Arabic Kimiya ' (Stone), this is probably the Greek i khymeía (mixed juice).

law comes from classical Latin directus (straight, direct) dirigere participle (direct), derived from Reger (guiding, driving, directing).

Please do not machaquéis me. It's just a hypothesis either improvised a Monday morning ... Obviously, one should look a far greater number of cases and to relate this to a broader theory of phonological words in Castilian in relation to its etymological origin, and the influence they may have it in stressed syllables end.

PS: In one of my regular discussions ™ bar with Eulàlia much more versed than I in matters of language history (she is a philologist, I, translator), I confirmed that the hypothesis proparoxytone not so crazy ... Anyone is encouraged to make a scientific study?


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