Commentary post Rowing megapenique The project
What he says about the SAR's next. The DRAE
In doubts panhispánico Dictionary:
billion ( Del fr. milliard).
1. m. Econ. billion. One billion pesos.
billion. Graphic Adaptation French voice milliard, 'Billion (10 9)': "Gross [...] stood at 1.1 billion (1146 million) dollars' ( National [Ven.] 20/12/1996). Recent addition is the voice of the English, whose use is recommended to banish the use of the word billion this sense, tracing American English objectionable and that may lead to dangerous confusion (v. billion).
billion. Voice from French billion, 'a million million (10 12). " It is unacceptable to use in English with the meaning of 'Billion', which is the one with the word billion in American English. In the latter regard, the voice should be used billion (v. billion), also from the French or the English equivalent one billion .
What does my highly respected Martínez de Sousa in Dictionary of English customs and current questions is:
billion. 'thousand million. "
- Apparently, the Academy hosted the word in December 1995 with the meaning that is targeted to academic Venezuelan proposal of Rafael Caldera, who was then president of that country. It is a mistake. The word billion, creating what scholars believe, it solves the problem of billion U.S., but rather to complicate things. The doubt lies not in use the spelling or one billion billion , but knowing when billion means' thousand million ', according to American usage, and when' a million millions ", according to the most widely used in Europe . (V. BILLION.) Using either term would be immaterial if it were not billion is a word of foreign origin do not need at all.
billion. 'A million million. "to vary not agree with the SAR and other with Sousa. Indeed, years ago I translate from French and English, and I've never needed to use the buzzword billion. The problem is knowing what you're talking about, not how to write in Castilian. And if you're in a specialized context, it is more common to pass numbers. If you are 36 or milliards billions U.S. 000 million write '36 'and you get so wide.
- In the U.S., billion is equivalent to 'Billion', not 'a trillion', as in Europe. The American billion has become a paronym interlingual or false friend for many translators. Commenting on the problem that the word has, Jesus de la Serna, defender readers El País (07/02/1993, 12), says: "However, long ago in the United Kingdom is used increasingly mode billion U.S. (1000 million). Just take a look at the British press every day. In the prestigious Collins (edition 1988) and noted that the United States "now often" in the UK a billion are 1000 million. " According ensures urgent English Manual, also occurs in Portugal and Italy. In any case, hopefully, as often happens, the context must be considered to clarify whether billion relates to one billion or a trillion. [...] It would also have to wonder if the European Union legislate to end this disparity in the significant value of the words used internationally.
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