Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spanish Reading For A Wedding Ceremony

responses Battery CPL (IV): The morbid I

ago (too much) time my dear Fanshawe me the following query:

My first question has to do with a word that I find interesting. It is morbid . José Antonio Marina said in failed intelligence a sign of human stupidity as we have changed the fact word morbidity (illness) into something positive.

This is the definition that gives you hated DRAE:


(Del lat. morbus.)

1. m. disease (impairment of health).

2. m. Unhealthy interest in people or things.

3. m. Attraction unpleasant events.

And then he adds the meaning interests me most to me:

have ~ something

1. fr. produce morbid (unhealthy interest).

Actually, in my everyday use of language (do not know if it is widespread or not), morbid used in a positive sense, in an erotic context, but with a point "cloudy." I link you a couple of threads that opened in my blog enough ago to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich way the shots:

The problem comes when I try to explain to an Italian I mean when I use that word. Not that I can not find a translation (not the meeting in English or in Italian) but it does not directly define. So that Carissima mia, how would you define the word morbid in the sense that I explain before? What could be a good translation in English, Catalan and Italian? Do you think José Antonio Marina is right in what he says?

To begin, I would say that I have the feeling that the assessment of José Antonio Marina is not correct. I do not know how to argue in his book, but I think it is true that the illness has turned into something positive. Has ceased to be a negative in some applications, but not all. In my opinion (I hope, dear readers, let in comments your views on this subject), the only use that has ceased to have it is precisely that of when we refer to someone who has erotic appeal: what is morbazo Catherine Deneuve! (I like more with the increase;)

After long (very long;) reflections, I have concluded that the issue is not whether it is positive or not, but in reason for which was first used morbid to talk about the erotic appeal. My hypothesis is as follows:

  • Morbo means unhealthy interest.
  • Sexuality is something unhealthy.
  • Therefore, if someone inspires sexual interest, causes an unhealthy interest me, ie it is morbid .

I think what has changed is not the illness, but the inclusion of sexuality. As has been seen leaving something sickly, morbid have started to be positive. It has lost its negative tone, but not morbid, but sexuality.

surely not lost at all, because like you you say may have a point "cloudy." Still, I suspect that the dark spot that may have the interest you have for that person (woman, I suppose;) comes more from her in concrete or in your relationship with her that a negative consideration of erotic attraction itself (" What frivolousness an affair with a teacher! "). May have its origin in some part of Prohibition ...

another important issue because of morbidity must be the lure of the forbidden ( ♫ Everything I like is illegal, immoral or fattening ... ♫ ). Thinking about other possible uses of morbid-like, For example, the illness that apparently comes from knowing the life and miracles of people allegedly famous or details of the cotidaniead a few crazies who are locked in a house three months, "I think it is the same as for the erotic appeal.

What has changed is not the word morbid, but what we consider da morbo: If you no longer deemed prohibited, unhealthy and wrong, give morbo becomes positive. Or maybe the question is not considered negative is unhealthy and wrong ... Perhaps what has changed is not sexuality or interest in the privacy of others, but our relationship with the forbidden ...

In this sense, it is possible that Marina has a point. However, my impression is that the illness has not ceased to be entirely negative. For example, even say in a tone of rebuke: "How morbid is people!" Or "you da morbo know everything their neighbors ..."

therefore not fully agree with what says José Antonio Marina (although you should read its arguments). Signs of human stupidity abound, but I think this is not one of them ... I think the important thing is not the illness itself, but that is considered unhealthy something like sexuality or interest in the privacy of others. That is no longer regarded as unhealthy, in a case to me seems fantastic, on the other, I feel terrible.

I also know that you asked me for translations into other languages, but rather leave it for a second installment ... Undoubtedly, this is a fucking word . Let's see if today publishing them minimize feelings of abandonment of some;) Lately, the real world TM absorbídisima ... I have onsigo minimize feelings of



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