Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hemorrhoids Anal Cancer

Open registration period for the second semester in Madrid, Valencia and Castellon. Workshop with Georgy

© Look Pastor

From today you can now sign up for courses starting in the second quarter in all 3 sites BlankPaper in Spain: Madrid, Valencia and Castellon. Classes will begin in February and the times and days depend on the course you're interested.

These courses are available:

  • advanced photography course.
  • Initiation into the picture.
  • photojournalism course. Course
  • documentary film quarterly. Course
  • digital photo processing.

Valencia and Castellon:
  • advanced photography course.
  • Initiation into the picture. Course
  • digital photo processing. Lighting
  • Course.
  • Photojournalism Course.

want more information on each course program is available on the school website: www.blankpaper.es / school

© Ignacio Navas

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Gay Cruising Spot In Fort Worth

Great performance of the COPA MANRIQUE Quilmes 2010

E ast Saturday, December 11 was played at Municipal Gymnasium, 169 9th Street and Seventh Berissola Martìn Cups Manrique.

With the presence of several players graduate, young Quilmes had a most out-standing performance. Champion Triumph platense corresponded Germàn Spata.

The second place went to former champion Argentine Quilmes and sub 12 and sub 14 July Benedetti, who was the only one who defeated the champion.

Third Antonio Orsini de La Plata and other talent fourth NGO Lasker: Gonzalo Martínez Denegri.

is noteworthy that both Julio and Gonzalo have only 15 and 16 years respectively.

the second through fourth, the positions were decided by tiebreaker system, as the punctuation obtained by the three participants were the same.

Manrique Cup 2010 played in the City of Berisso.

Fifth was the veteran
Fide Master Sergio Torres, Sixth International Master Daniel Contin, seventh and eighth Fernando Caceres Maria Plazaola.

The promotional CATEGORIES the Quilmes also shone:

10 Franco Insaurralde In sub NGO and Quilmes Lasker Chess for All, at San Francisco Solano scored an inconclusive first place.

Augusto Bianchi and Damian Rappa

In sub 16, Augusto Bianchi won comfortably and demonstrates that progress in 2010 was very important. DAMIAN

How To Make A Spaghetti Bridge

NICOLE DENON the 3rd in the South American

Between 1 and 6 December in the city of Sucre, Bolivia, South American Championships were played Promotional 2010.

The representative of Argentina and the NGO Emanuel Lasker, Nicole Denon won the bronze medal in the Under 14, after bravely fighting for first place .

Nicole, wrapped in the flag of Argentina, holds in his hand the trophy for third place

Nicole closes a brilliant year with getting his fourth Championship Argentina, the International Tournament Peoncita, this third place in South America. These achievements place it in the near future as one of the candidates to fight in the foreground of national women's chess. DAMIAN

Slimtype Combo Lsc24082k

BOLIVIA Last Date Tournament League Team of the Rio de la Plata

This Sunday will be played Dec. 12 the last date of the Tournament Team of the Río de la Plata, which was crowned winner of the School Team Chess Plate "A" followed closely by the team at Quilmes Paradigms, who scored the second, third Team was JuegoCiencia.

Here we present the results, standings and pictures of the last round. Pareos

of the Sixth Round:

Chess Club Plate "A" 2 ½ - ½ NGOs Lasker
Plata Municipal School "B" 0 - Quilmes Paradigms 3
Chess Club Plate "B" 0 - Game 3 Science
Municipality of Quilmes - 1 ½ Escuela Municipal de La Plata 'A' 1 ½
Berisso Municipal School - 0 Berisso Chess Club 0

Final Standings

1 6 7 7 9 Chess Club Berisso Berisso
Rank Team Pts
Chess Club La Plata A 15
2 Quilmes Paradigm 14 ½
3 JuegoCiencia 10 ½
4 Mun. Quilmes 8 ½
5 Chess Club La Plata B 7 ½
NGOs Lasker
Esc Mun. La Plata B 6 ½
8 Esc Mun. La Plata A 6 ½
10 Esc Mun. 4

final round photos

MF Germain Spata

Alan Mark and Miguel Zapata of the Municipal School Team Plate "B" and Quilmes paradigm regarding

Santiago Negri

Añadir imagen Antonella Benedetti

Augusto Matias Bianchi vs
Paradigms Quilmes Team Second Place winner

Team Chess Club Plate "A" Tournament Winner

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Birthday Wishes For Ex Lover

Pinkhassov born in BlankPaper Dalpine

BlankPaper School is pleased to announce a workshop with one of the most interesting photographers today: Georgi Pinkhassov. ;

U.S. The legendary Magnum Photos agency has represented and still represents some of the greatest photographers in history, and no doubt that Georgi Pinkhassov (Moscow, 1952) is a special member of this select group.

The master of form and rhythm in color and author of works such delicate and enigmatic as Sightwalk "we visit this time to mark a special workshop conducted in BlankPaper School, and where we explain the importance of the famous phrase of Henri-Cartier Bresson about what it means to the picture, "Hands, eyes, heart ... The eye takes a decision, as taste. Hands are crafts, technical ability is rooted in photography and art. The heart, somewhat elusive, inexplicable and intimate, and yet universal - the creative spirit - ".
Pinkhassov, for whom a camera is like a gun that sometimes, as in Russian roulette, with precision hits sudden and unexpected, will show us why we should flee imitation, which leads to servility and compliance. In the words of the cult Russian film, Tarkovsky - with whom he worked as a photographer in his most famous films, Stalker Zerkalo - "If you see that start to imitate you, change your style."

The workshop was complemented by a viewing of portfolios for students wishing to show their work. Workshop in Russian with translation into Castilian.

Russian French citizen, born in 1952. He currently lives in Paris. In 1988 he joined Magnum Photos, and became a member in 1994. Interested in photography since I was a schoolboy, Georgi Pinkhassov studied film at the Superior Institute of Cinematography in Moscow (VGIK) from 1969 to 1971. Then he worked at the Mosfilm studios with a camera crew and then as a set photographer. In 1978 entered the Moscow Union of Graphic Arts and obtains the status independent artist. My-mo that year, the director Andrei Tarkovsky as a photographer hired him to set his film Stalker. In 1979, his images stood out during an exhibition in the Chamber of the Graphic Arts Union, dedicated to Soviet photography. In 1985 he settled in Paris. He has worked as a photojournalist in the international press, especially publications Geo, Grand Reportage and The New York Times Magazine, though, as evidenced by his first book Sightwalk Georgi Pinkhassov prefer to work within the world of art photography, including abstract ta , exploring every detail using light and its reflection.

3, 4, 5 and 6 February 2011
24 hours / four classes: Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11 to 14 and from 16 to 20h, Sunday 11 to 14h
Up to twelve
500 euros diploma will be awarded for the achievement of the workshop
BlankPaper Madrid Address Nao 4, 3rd Callao Metro
+ info
Look Pastor 915396073 Monday through Friday 18:00 to 22:00 laescuela@blankpaper.es

Monday, December 13, 2010

Help Me Get Off Diazipam

School. An online photo library independent and self-publishing. Presentation of 2009/2010 Annual

Led by two former students of BlankPaper was born a very interesting project. They are Jose Manuel Suárez and Sonia Berger. Dalpine is a publishing and distribution of self-published photography books or created by independent publishers. is specialized in the publication of photography and aims to make these publications are readily accessible to everyone.

Dalpine is not a library to use. You will not find the same books on Amazon or Fnac. Because Dalpine strive to select books that can not find anywhere else or have a hard distribution. And always follow an interesting quality criterion.

The type of book is from the latest innovation, like Desperate Cars Sebastien Girard, certain books that we think everyone should have as the compilation Virxilio Vieira, up as the classic reissues For a Language to Come of Nakahira. They also have available the Yearbook 1 and 2 Yearbook of BlankPaper School. Currently the list includes 15 works but the step will be many more soon.

One of the most interesting things is that Dalpine are very interested in desktop publishing and photography books in independent and alternative publications. A field lately is having a boom around the world. So in Dalpine are willing to receive self-published books or zines for any photographer in the world. It's as simple as sending the proposal and, if you fit the editorial line of their catalog, be included in your website to be available for purchase.

Imagine the photographer in Spain and around the world who are working in beautiful jewelry format photographic book or fanzine. And now imagine a library that brings together all these pieces in one place for anyone to buy them.

them not only in Dalpine show interest books, they also believe that it is very important to know the photographers, so they devote a page to each of them and will seek to interview all they can. And they have already begun Ricardo Cases .

is an unprecedented initiative in Spain. And a pleasant novelty in the publishing of the photo. Deserves our support.

So you can add to their official website: www.dalpine.com
your Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Dalpine / 173238926020432
to http://twitter.com/dalpine_info his twitter
or subscribe to your newsletter in http://www. Dalpine .com / en / newsletter / subscriptions

Oh, and above all, share the link on social networks, blogs ... spread the word. Initiatives to do so deserve.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sample Church Donation Request Letter

opening of the exhibition and presentation

Next Thursday 9 December at 20.30 BlankPaper headquarters in Madrid School ( Calle Nao 4. 3. Callao ) will be officially presented Yearbook 2 of BlankPaper School. That includes the work done during the academic year 2009/2010 of 8 students from schools in Madrid, Castellon and Valencia. It also includes the work of a guest photographer, in this case Cristóbal Hara .

The yearbook, published in English and English, complete with interviews with photographers and photo-related people have been asking students about their work.

The presentation will be accompanied by the opening of the exhibition of the Yearbook 2 in new installations School in Madrid. The exhibition consists of several models of books and 18 prints made by ic collaboration Studio Yagüe. Leticia include photographs of Tojar, Quique Galdú , Antonio Muñoz de Mesa , Toni Rodríguez , David Plates , Paco Poyatos, Frano Prochazka and Alberto Lizaralde .

also be supplemented by a projection of 11 minutes that include all the photo projects of the authors.

We wait for all the Thursday, 9 December at 20.30 BlankPaper headquarters in Madrid School! ( Calle Nao 4. 3 º. Callao).